14 October, 2015

2 CBBJ3203: Topic 2: News and the Broadcast Journalist

2 CBBJ3203: Topic 2: News and the Broadcast Journalist
1. Identify the criteria of news;
2. Identify the eight criteria to be a good broadcast journalist; and
3. Differentiate between the work of a broadcast journalist and a newsreader.

As explained in Topic 1, journalism, as in the printed or electronic media, started in the 1950’s, in the United States. Broadcast journalists like Edward R. Murrow (CBS) and David Brinkley (NBC) established a benchmark and standard in broadcast journalism especially at the initial stages. Broadcast journalists are exceptional people who are looked up to and respected. Their work gets them to prime ministers and important world leaders. Their voices demand attention. Their stands are firm; their presentations are exceptional; the news they present becomes history. Are these the criteria of a broadcast journalist? What about expectations of the public towards a broadcast journalist? Must a broadcast journalist be handsome and attractive? What differentiates a broadcast journalist and a newsreader in radio and television? Let us study this topic to get answers to all these questions.

By the end of this topic, you should be able to:


We frequently receive news reports, either from a radio, television, main newspapers or online media. Which is your preferred source? Why do you choose to watch, listen or read certain reports?

News is important in our daily lives and as well as our society. It is always looked forward to, especially when there are crises and tragedies. We expect information and announcements.

The definition of news is constantly changing. According to Sulaiman Masri (1983), there is no accurate definition of news that can be universally accepted because there is no strong mutual consensus among the professional journalists about the form of events that can be considered as news. Therefore, he defines news as ‘whatever’ that is printed in the newspaper and ‘whatever’ that is read over radio or read by a newscaster over TV.

According to the general definition, news is a report about incidents that happen, whether they have just happened or extraordinary in nature, or incidents that the public want to know. News is also termed as something that is important in life. Usually, we are always inclined to pay attention to something extraordinary, happening in our lives and the environment. The following are some definitions and explanations about “news”.

TV is the main source of news and information for the public audiences (Boyd, 1997). No matter what form of news is broadcast, what form of medium broadcasts the news, still the public puts TV as the main medium if they want to know the events that have been happening and are happening around them.

News consists of facts. These means all news are facts. Nonetheless, it does not mean that all facts are news. News usually encompasses issues about people. This does not mean every person has a news value that catches other people’s attention.

News is whatever is happening in the world. It is because there are billions of events, stories and incidents happening in a day. However, of all the events and types of stories, only some of them have news value and are eligible to be reported as information to the public.


Have you ever had an ambition to be a broadcast journalist? In your opinion, why is journalism a challenging and a potential career for development at par with other professional jobs?

Television and radio journalists (broadcast journalists) are different from newspaper journalists. To a broadcast journalist, the use of visuals and audios is key in presenting good news coverage.

The making of an effective report is when a journalist is able to capture visual and/or activity with natural sound as well as spontaneous comments. Therefore, the orientation of writing news for newspapers is different from writing news for TV or radio. This is fundamental difference that requires attention to by journalists involved in the electronic media.

Green (1969) looks at the roles of broadcast journalists in detail by dividing the tasks and skills into four main subject matters. They are:

Roles of broadcast journalists.
1. Writing
2- Talent
3- Producer
4- Executive

Figure 2.1: Roles of broadcast journalists

The task of writing refers to the task of writing the news’ script, but the writing is not limited to just writing facts and news’ information. Writers have to know the format of writing, and the graphic signal and the shots used, as in a drama or movie script. This is important because it guides the newsreaders to present the news perfectly. Talent is important in enabling journalist to advance as a successful and professional journalist. A journalist has to be brave in showing oneself in front of a camera. It is because in broadcast journalism, there are several tasks that requires journalists to act quick and smart in front of the camera.

Our country has produced several respected journalism figures, which include Said Zahari and Tan Sri A. Samad Ismail. Their skills in this field is not acquired only from an educational background. Their personality and experience has become the central influence to journalism. In your opinion, does somebody need to be formally educated in journalism? Identify the higher learning institutions that offer journalism courses as a subject to be taught to those who want to be broadcast journalists in Malaysia.

Skills in certain field are not conferred upon to anyone at birth. If a medical doctor needs to study medicine for approximately five years before practising it professionally, broadcast journalism also requires those want to be successful in this field to study certain subjects to acquire skills in this field. The following are certain skills, which you need to look at carefully and study before you get involved in the writing of broadcast news.
(a) Writing skills
(b) Knowledge of the roles and the various tasks of journalists
(c) Understand the uncertainties of the broadcasting workplace.
(d) Ethical practices.
(e) Urgency in broadcasting journalism.

2.2.2 Criteria of a Good Broadcast Journalist
a. Determined.
b. Progressive.
c. Linguisitive.
d. Energetic.
e. Smart.
f. Language Skills.
g. Confident.
h. Committed.

The audience is the main determinant of the value of the news that is broadcasted. In short, certain broadcast news is watched because of its ability to show something interesting, captivating and leaves an effect and influence. Therefore, the work of a journalist is not only confined to writing. In fact, a broadcast journalist has to study the usage of visual and audio aids to enhance the news reporting. A journalist must be an adrounder and not just a reporter. A good journalist abides to good work ethics, reports news objectively and does not report news which is acquired from only one source.

A good journalist also has to be prepared mentally and emotionally because this career is not confined to normal working hours. Understanding this task is important because without preparation and initial understanding, one might be stressed out, and unable to continue a career as a journalist for the electronic media.

If you were a journalist with no skills or experience in writing, what course or training would you need to undergo to enrich yourself in this field? As journalists, we are bound to have weaknesses and limitations. The public always measures capability and value of work of a journalist based on what is shown on TV or heard on radio. Therefore, journalists have to think about the following matters to upgrade their work as journalists. If you have the intention to be a good and successful journalist, you have to think about the following matters in order to upgrade your work as a journalist.

(a) Upgrade Oneself
In the effort of showing the best work, you are always surrounded by various tests especially from opponents who try to show their talents as well as capabilities better than you. As a journalist, you might have produced a mediocre first report. This weakness should not break your spirit and interest. Instead, you should be more motivated to improve the next package. What is hidden behind it is actually ‘the process of repairing oneself’. Inevitably, we will face failure, but that failure will guide us to work harder.

(b) Try to Find Success Even if it is Just a Little.
Success does not come overnight. It happens slowly and we always feel disappointed when we fail. A slow continuos commitment is better compared to chasing success fast neglecting the result of work. Sow in the mind the thoughts of “Excellence Vs Perfection” that is trying to look for the highest achievement, zero defect is much better. Do your best but you must always work harder.

(c) Writing or Reporting Must Have News Value To be a journalist is not simply to make reports. To be a good journalist is to understand the roles as a journalist. The role of a journalist is not to make reports, but to present news accurately and objectively. The most important task of a journalist is to come up with stories with news value.

The following are some of the matters that make up a good writing and good news report:
(i) Conflict Conflict and struggle are news contents that cannot be separated with TV and radio news. Journalists who ignore this aspect are assumed to be ignoring news and the norms of life.
(ii) Commitment Commitment portrays a journalistÊs statement that recognises the contents of news, theme, “story line”, premise and view.

(d) Excuses Sometimes, there are certain unavoidable things. But, if we keep on giving a thousand and one excuses, we will head towards failure. Among the excuses that are constantly used when producing a bad report can be found in the following Table 2.1:
Table 2.1: Examples of Excuses

Types of Excuses
Journalists assume assignments as stupid, trivial and not challenging.
Improper and insufficient equipments.
The crew has no time to put up the camera on the tripod; the technique is considered a waste of time. Journalists say it is the cameraman’s job. Journalists reason out that they are not able to tell the cameraman which shots are suitable for the news report.
Journalists presume that the audience is not concerned about quality of news reported. Journalists often bind themselves with conventional and traditional method as practised since early days.
Take for granted
Journalists always presume that things that are happening around them are not their responsibility, not their assignment.

Thus, the most important thing is your attitude as a journalist. Always ask yourself. Am I doing the best? What effort have I put in? Traditionally, journalists try to report something objectively, but the actual broadcast journalists’ views are always apparent in the news produced. The task of determining views or ideas that should be highlighted is the duty of journalists.

Journalists should evaluate their news whether it will remain as a report or a series of events, or the event will later affect the society and cause reaction towards the event.

(e) Wide Knowledge Journalists must be knowledgeable, at least be well informed about the news concerned. If certain main issues are made known to others in detail, journalists must be effective storytellers.

(f) Show Something that Does Not Exist Journalists should bring forward something that is different a

(g) You Have to be Unique
Try to be different from others. Produce news report that is different but has valuable news and portrays your own style. TV and radio news will be remembered if you are capable of presenting your story well in the shortest time.

Among the problems that occur in producing long or short news usually come from the process of choosing the or soundbites. What is said or explained by the source is usually difficult to choose because all that has been said seem important. Thus, this aspect requires the journalists’ expertise in choosing a suitable soundbite to be inserted in the news script. Other information gathered from the source to be summarised or to make the news writing more compact and succiokt.

(h) Present News Honestly and with the Right Emotion
Newsreaders and broadcast journalists must present news in the appropriate tone and in the suitable situation. If the report is about an accident, journalists have to avoid reporting the news in a vibrant mood. News script that is not sensitive to the situation can bring about a negative reaction from the audience.

(i) Choose Your News Based on the Needs of News
If you believe the that the news broadcast would be more effective with only natural sound and pictures, then use that technique. Probably, it would be best to just keep quiet or if you feel that the news would be better, presented with an explanation. Do what is necessary. The white-space technique is the speciality in broadcast journalism that does not exist in the printed media. It also differentiates the presentation of news for the electronic media.
Several factors mentioned above are some of the practices to improve oneself as a broadcast journalist. As a journalist, you have to be suited to this career and find the best way to improve your writing and presentation.

How to enhance the capability of a broadcast journalist? What are the factors that can bring down the level of performance of a broadcast journalist? Give your views.

Journalists usually face several challenges as well as unexpected obstacles in producing good news coverage. However, as determined journalists, those challenges should not be obstacles for them to keep on producing quality news coverage and affect the audience. Figure 2.6 shows some of the challenges normally faced by broadcast journalists.

Figure 2.6: Challenges during news coverage

(a) Limited Time to do Coverage or Prepare News Time is the most challenging factor to broadcast journalists. They are always “chased by time” in the process of developing news reports. Broadcast journalists always have to “combat” time because time is the determinant of the success of producing good news. News becomes outdated and not important anymore if it is delayed in reporting. Therefore, broadcast journalists have to be alert and concerned with time and their career.
(b) Competition among Journalists, Who are Covering News at the Same Place A smart and respected broadcast journalist is the one who always asks hard-hitting questions, which are later, turned into a discussion or hot news on that day. However, to get the chance to ask is not easy. There are certain constraints that can hamper this situation from happening:
(i) Too many journalists questioning.
(ii) Chances of asking is dominated by senior journalist or those known to the source of information.
(iii) Usually the source is more attentive to big stations.

Thus, as a new and young journalist, you might have problems with getting the opportunity to ask questions to the news source. Nonetheless, although you do not get the chance, what you should do is to keep on working hard to ask until you are heard. You are also not encouraged, in fact it is considered as unethical if you simply take other journalists’ news and claim that the question and news are originally yours.
(c) Lack of Knowledge about Certain News One of the criteria of a good broadcast journalist is to be knowledgeable. Yet, at times not all subjects are known to journalists. News topics like the judiciary, economy, medicine and others, which requires expertise, demand broadcast journalists to be knowledgeable. The use of proper terminologies must be learnt. The pronunciation of certain terminologies in these fields must also be advanced. Therefore, a broadcast journalist has to learn a few basic things before looking for news and writing it. To test your understanding, answer the following questions.

1. What are the criteria of exceptional news broadcast?
2. How to enhance the capability of a broadcast journalist?

- This topic has explained the criteria of good broadcast news.
- In order to get good materials for news, a broadcast journalist must have the specific criteria as discussed in this topic.
- This topic has also explained the differences between the job of a broadcast journalist and a newsreader.
- The next topic will discuss the types of broadcast news and the techniques to do various news reports.

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