03 December, 2017

13 T3 Developing Entrepreneurial Creativity and Innovation

13 T3 Developing Entrepreneurial Creativity and Innovation

Today's competitive business environment requires an entrepreneur to think of
ways to produce new products, services or processes for new purposes to the
customers. This, in turn, could enable the organisation to survive and attract the
attention of customers to the organisation's new inventions as well as generate
revenues. Hence, creativity and innovation are vital elements for all levels of
businesses in order for them to grow and expand. Besides, it is also essential both
for survival and for building competitive advantage (Kirby, 2003).
Continuously seeking new paradigms of solving a business problem is the
precondition for successful entrepreneurs. As a creative person, the entrepreneur
must be able to think creatively to find solutions to existing problems. One
should, however, remember that, efficiency and effectiveness no longer
guarantee the survival of business nowadays. Creativity and innovation are
constantly pushing business forward.

Topic 3 Developing Entrepreneurial Creativity and Innovation

By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Define the concepts of creativity and innovation;
2. Explain four main phases in the creative process;
3. Explain five creativity techniques;
4. Describe four basic types of innovation; and
5. Discuss the barriers to creativity and innovation.

As a result, the ability to create or invent something new is the answer for
business to remain in the market.
The first section discusses what creativity is, the process of creativity, barriers to
creativity, how to generate creativity and characteristics of creative entrepreneurs.

There are a few definitions for creativity. According to Schermerhorn, Hunt
and Osborn (2003), creativity involves the development of unique and novel
responses to problems and opportunities. Creativity is imperative for responding
to the complex challenges in a dynamic business environment which is often full
of non-routine problems. Thus, creativity is:
„The ability to produce work that is novel (i.e. original and unexpected), high
in quality and appropriate (i.e. useful, meets task constraints).‰
(Sternberg, Kaufman and Pretz, 2002)

Give the definition for creativity based on your understanding.

An entrepreneur needs to think of ideas to implement new strategies. Generally,
ideas evolve from the creative process in which an imaginative individual will
imagine, inculcate and develop an idea into a form that can be implemented and
in return, benefit both the entrepreneur and the organisation.
According to Kuratko and Hodgetts (2004), there are four main phases or steps in
the creative process, as shown in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1: The creative thinking process
Source: Kuratko and Hodgetts (2004)

The elaboration of the phases is shown in Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2: Four phases in the creative process

We should bear in mind that not all novel ideas generated during the creative
thinking process are acceptable. Creativity does not ensure that there will be no
barriers, no frustrations and no failures. There are four barriers to creativity, as
shown in Figure 3.3.
Figure 3.3: Barriers to creativity

Briefly explain what creativity is and the main phases involved in the
process of creative thinking.


Different people have different ways of thinking. There are several techniques to
improve creativity. Five techniques that can be used to foster creativity are:
C Brainstorming;
C Forced Analogy;
C Mind Mapping; and
C Nominal Group.

(a) Brainstorming
Brainstorming is the most common and powerful technique used to hatch
ideas. During a brainstorming session, all members of the group suggest
ideas that are then discussed. The ideal number of group members
involved in a brainstorming session is four to seven. There are four rules of
brainstorming (Williams, 2000), namely:
(i) The more ideas, the better;
(ii) All ideas are acceptable, no matter how wild or crazy they might be;
(ii) Use other group member's ideas to come up with even more ideas;
(iv) Criticism or evaluation of ideas is not allowed.

(b) Forced Analogy
 This is a very useful and fun-filled technique of generating ideas. An idea is
compared to a problem and something else that has little or nothing in
common to get a new insight. There are several ways that you can 'force' a
relationship between almost everything and gain new solutions, such as
you and a pen, music and computers, products and markets. Forcing
relationships can help to develop new insights as well as new alternatives.
To develop a relationship is to have a selection of objects or a card with
pictures or images that help to generate ideas. Choose an object or card
randomly and see what kind of relationship can be forced.
(Adapted from members.optus.net.com/au/~charles57/Creative/Techniques/
forced_analogy.htm or www.si.hhs.nl/~runda/Creativity.pdf)

(c) DO IT
At the first stage of the DO IT technique, we must analyse the problem
to ensure that the correct question is being asked. Studying and
understanding the problem is crucial in order to identify the main cause of
the problem. If the problem appears to be very large, break it into smaller
parts and summarise the problem as concisely as possible.
Secondly, once we have successfully identified a problem, generate as
many ideas as possible to get possible solutions to overcome it. Every
attempt to generate an idea is essential, regardless of whether the ideas are
good or bad.
Thirdly, we need to examine and analyse in detail before choosing the best
ideas to solve a problem, and all the solutions should come from the second
Finally, once the best solution is identified, it is time to implement it. This
stage involves the development of a reliable product from the ideal,
marketing and business strategies and it normally incurs time, cost, and

(d) Mind Mapping
This technique allows one to use pictures and/or word phrases to organise
and develop thoughts in a non-linear fashion. It helps people to „see‰ a
problem and its solution.
Many people use mind mapping during:
(i) Brainstorming;
(ii) Taking notes; and
(iii) Refreshing their memory.

Mind mapping can also be used to generate new products, solve a problem,
plan strategy, or develop a process. The key to its effective use to generate
ideas and solve problems is to not necessarily think logically. If one idea
triggers another, do not try to analyse it; just mark it down on the mind
map. Similar to brainstorming, the crazier the association, the better. That is
how truly innovative solutions come about.

(e) Nominal Group
The use of nominal groups is to generate ideas and evaluate solutions faceto-face
in non-threatening group circumstances; members do so by writing
down silently as many ideas as possible. After that, group members engage
in recording the ideas given and then discuss the ideas to obtain
clarification and evaluation. Finally, each member will vote privately on the
priority of ideas.

Entrepreneurs are somehow creative individuals. However, not all creative
individuals can be entrepreneurs. Figure 3.4 shows the eight characteristics of
creative individuals.

List and briefly explain the techniques for generating creative ideas.

Figure 3.4: Characteristics of creative individuals

Once entrepreneurs have undergone a creative process and found the best
solution, the next step will be application and eventually innovation. Creativity is
a pre-condition to innovation. Today, innovation is widely believed to be the key
to sustainable success for many organisations. Companies that are able to
compete and win are those that develop new products or new systems of
producing products and continue doing so over time.

Why is innovation imperative? What is innovation? In this section, we will
discuss what innovation is, its types, sources and barriers.

According to Kinicki and Williams (2003), innovation is „finding ways to deliver
new or better goods or services‰. It means that every organisation, regardless of
profit or non-profit, will not allow itself to become complacent, especially when
rivals are coming up with creative ideas. Innovation is also deemed as the
creation of something new in the marketplace that alters the supply-demand
equation (Chell, 2001). An entrepreneur creates a new demand in the market by
recombining the factors of production to create something new. Therefore,
innovation is the key to survival for entrepreneurs in today's intense business
environment. 'Innovate or die' should become every entrepreneur's principle of
daily life.

3.6.1 Types of Innovation
Everyone in an enterprise must be innovative so as to enable the enterprise to
change fast enough to cater to the customer's needs and demands. Essentially,
there are four basic types of innovation (Kuratko and Hodgetts, 2004) as shown
in Figure 3.5.

What do you understand by the term innovation? In your opinion,
how does this term apply to entrepreneurs and why is it important?
Discuss in your class.


Figure 3.5: Types of innovation and examples

3.6.2 Sources of Innovation
An entrepreneur needs powerful ideas before he or she can inspire a new
product, service or process. The following are four sources of innovation for
entrepreneurs (Drucker, 1985; Kuratko and Hodgetts, 2004).

(a) Unexpected Events
Entrepreneurs frequently notice that they get ideas from something that is
out of their expectations. Unexpected events offer immense opportunities
for entrepreneurs to apply their expertise to a new application or formula.
Besides that, unexpected success or failure is also a major source of
innovation when things go unnoticed or unplanned.

(b) New-Knowledge Concept
In today's marketplace, we can find out new products or services easily.
Indeed, most of these products or services are knowledge-based
innovations that need a long time to research and to be developed by
experts. New knowledge can be obtained through reading, attending
seminars or conferences or discussions among the professionals.

(c) Changes of Demographics
Changes of demographic characteristics in age, educational levels, income
and types of employment have been a main source of innovation for
entrepreneurs. The transformation of demographic characteristics has
created huge opportunities for entrepreneurs to explore. For example, as
the standard of living and income increase, the demands for luxury goods
and health care products also accelerate.

(d) Process Needs
Process needs exist within the process of business, an industry or a service.
It perfects a process which already exists, replaces a link that is weak,
redesigns an existing process and so on. All these provide opportunities for
entrepreneurs to produce products, services or processes that suit the
customer's demands and needs. For example, in the process of creating a
healthy society, people will want to do more exercise. Thus, entrepreneurs
could provide more health facilities or centres for those who desire them.

1. What are the sources of innovation? Give examples based on your
surrounding observation.
2. Based on the types of innovation, give appropriate examples and
explain. Compare it with your friend's examples.


3.6.3 Barriers to Innovation
Even though entrepreneurs have a pool of ideas to innovate, there are some
glitches that can hinder one from becoming innovative. Barriers to innovation
always come from within an organisation, especially from its staff. The barriers
to innovation are as follows:

(a) Organisation Does Not Encourage Innovation

Some organisations are comfortable with the current status quo and refuse
to change. For them, any change means a threat that could affect the
organisational culture and procedures, and more importantly their current
position. Thus, to avoid such things from happening, the management will
try to avoid or refuse to recognise the need for innovation within the
organisation. Moreover, interdepartmental borders prevent communication
of innovative ideas among its staff.

(b) Insufficient Resources
Some organisations are keen to change and innovate but are let down by
insufficient resources like human resources, funds and facilities that are
vital in implementing an innovation.

(c) Traditional Management Behaviour
Management's desire to be in control prevents its staff from being creative.
This happens especially when the management is controlled by senior staff
members that maintain traditional ways of thinking and resist changing.
Sometimes, a creative staff member is hindered by the management's
excessive rules, constraints and bureaucracy.

In addition to all those, barriers to innovation could be derived from personal or
individual behaviour as shown in Figure 3.6.
Figure 3.6: Personal or individual behaviour


In the dynamic world of global competition, entrepreneurs must embrace
creativity and innovation as part of their crucial ingredient for success.
Entrepreneurs must be able to create new products or services and be willing to
adopt cutting-edge technology if they are to compete successfully. Thus, it is
essential for entrepreneurs to recognise and reward themselves and their staff
who are creative and innovative. There are three reasons why creativity and
innovation is important. They are explained as follows:

(a) To Ensure an Organisation's Survival
Creativity and innovation is essential to long term organisation survival.
The future of a business depends on the ability of the organisation to create
new products or services. In doing so, it can increase the organisation's
capability to compete with its rivals. It also makes the entire organisation
respond speedily and collectively to the environmental change. An organisation can no longer wait for demands from customers; rather, it must engage in continuing supply of something novel to satisfy customer's wants.


(b) To Explore New Markets
With the presence of new products or services, entrepreneurs have the
advantage of exploring untapped markets. A creative and innovative
entrepreneur will always think of conquering a new market by introducing
new products or services. For example, when Phillips introduced the first
DVD (Digital Video Disc) player in the market in 1995, it successfully
penetrated the worldwide market.

(c) To Exploit Natural Resources
There are plenty of natural resources on Earth. Thus, entrepreneurs should
ensure that they can get these benefits by exploiting the wealth of resources
without causing harm to the environment. Indeed, creativity and
innovation create resources. There is no such thing as a 'resource' until man
(entrepreneur) finds a use for something in nature and thus endows it with
economic value (Drucker, 1985). Therefore, an entrepreneur is a person who
is responsible for creating the 'value' for every natural resource to benefit
human beings.


There are four strategies that can be used to encourage creativity and innovation
in an organisation. These strategies are summarised in Figure 3.7.

Figure 3.7: Four strategies to encourage creativity and innovation in the organisation

(a) Recognise your Own Abilities
It is important to know your abilities so that you can tackle the problems or
opportunities which arise creatively and innovatively. Be aware of your
own limitations that might block you from possible solutions.

(b) Change your Perception
Try to look at problems or opportunities from various perspectives.
Examine the problems and opportunities by breaking them into small
pieces, then find the real or best solutions for them.

(c) Change the Organisational Culture
Organisations must encourage their staff to be creative and innovative.
Reward the members of staff who really excel in creating novelties.

(d) Dare to Fail
Treat every failure or mistake as a motivator that drives you to go further in
finding the best solution.

• The definition of the concept of creativity is „the ability to produce work that
is novel (original and unexpected), high in quality and appropriate (useful,
meets task constraints)‰.
• The definition of the concept of innovation is „finding ways to deliver new or
better goods or services‰.
1. What are the strategies that you can use to encourage creativity and
innovation in an organisation?
2. To take some creativity tests, please browse the following websites:
• http://www.creax.com/csa/frame.asp?session=zero
• http://enchantedmind.com/html/creativity/iq_tests/creativity_test.html


• The four main phases in the creative phase are:
a Knowledge accumulation
a Incubation
a Ideas
a Evaluation and implementation
• The five creativity techniques are:
a Brainstorming
a Forced analogy
a Mind mapping
a Nominal group
• The four basic types of innovation are:
a Invention
a Extension
a Duplication
a Synthesis
• The barriers to creativity are:
a Personal belief
a Fear of criticism
a Over-management
a Stress
• The barriers to innovation are:
a Organisations which do not encourage innovation
a Insufficient resources
a Traditional management behaviour

Creative process
Forced analogy
Nominal group

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